Carlie Coley's annual safari to Key West in khakis and white beard has ended triumphantly.
An estimated 150 white-bearded, stocky men resembling Ernest Hemingway will compete for the title of
Sloppy Joe's Bar in Key West will host its 32nd Annual Hemingway Look-Alike contest July 19-21, 2012. The contest is one of many events in Key West to celebrate the birthday of .
Gentlemen, start growing your beards. "We are looking for hemingway look alike contest older, stocky men with a full beard," says Chris Tiderington. And the more they look like American author .
The Hemingway Look-Alike-Contest in Key West. An article at the Hemingway Resource Center.
The 2009 winner of an annual Ernest Hemingway look-alike contest has been crowned at a highlight event of Key West's six-day Hemingway Days festival that hon.
KEY WEST, Fla. (AP) -- A white-bearded 64-year-old Florida man won this year's Ernest Hemingway look-alike contest, an event in Key West's annual Hemingway Days .
A biomedical engineer from Jensen Beach, Fla. took top honors in an Ernest Hemingway look-alike competition at this year's Hemingway Days celebration in Key .
Yesterday folks in Key West, Florida celebrated Hemingway Days with an annual Ernest Hemingway Lookalike contest. So many gray beards, how cool!
An estimated 150 white-bearded, stocky men resembling Ernest Hemingway will compete for the title of
Hemingway Look-Alike Society . "Ernest Hemingway", "Look alike", "Key West Days", "Hemingway Look A-Like Contest", "Key West Festival", "Hemingway Days", "Papa", "HLAS .
A white-bearded, 64-year-old Florida man has won the annual Ernest Hemingway look-alike
competition at a Florida Keys bar frequented by the author. Matt Gineo of .
KEY WEST, Florida (AP)
KEY WEST, Florida
Sloppy Joe's 26th Annual Hemingway Look-Alike Contest July 20-22, 2006 Key West, FL
Finalists in the 2010 "Papa" Hemingway Look-Alike contest, including from left, Michael Morrow of Greenwood, Mo.; Matt Gineo of Jensen Beach, Fla.; Denis Golden of Rockford, Mass .
For information
hemingway look alike contest
about Sloppy Joe's Hemingway Look-Alike Contest and other look-alike events, visit www.sloppyjoes.com. For a complete Hemingway Days schedule, visit www .
KEY WEST, Florida (AP)
Papa would have been proud Tuesday. Pulitzer and Nobel prize-winning author Ernest "Papa" Hemingway might have enjoyed watching 26 versions of himself wearing khakis .
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