Specs Howard School Of Broadcast Arts Inc - Southfield, Michigan Colleges. Details on the college : Specs Howard School . Submit your own review for this school
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19900 W Nine Mile Rd; Southfield, MI 48075; OPEID College Code: 02237800 . There Are No Reviews Yet! Be the First to Review specs howard review southfield Specs Howard School of Broadcast Arts Inc
AKA Specs Howard School-Media Arts
. about Specs Howard School of . Specs Howard School of Broadcast Arts - Review & Ranking . Post Address: Specs Howard School of Broadcast Arts, 19900 W Nine Mile Rd, Southfield .
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. review information describing the accreditation or approval, please contact Lisa Zahodne, President/Chief Operating Officer of Specs Howard School at: 19900 W 9 Mile Rd Southfield .
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